One Syringe Per Session
- Juvederm Ultra XC:
Non vip member $899.00
VIP MEMBER $399.00
- Juvederm Ultra XC Plus:
Non vip member $1149.00
VIP MEMBER $649.00
- Restylane with Lidocaine:
Non vip member $1199.00
VIP MEMBER $599.00
- Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine:
Non vip member $1199.00
VIP MEMBER $649.00
- Restylane Refyne with Lidocaine:
Non vip member $1199.00
VIP MEMBER $649.00
- Restylane Defyne with Lidocaine:
Non vip member $1199.00
VIP MEMBER $649.00
- Restylane Kysse with Lidocaine:
Non vip member $1129.00
VIP MEMBER $649.00
- Radiesse with Lidocaine:
Non vip member $1149.00
VIP MEMBER $649.00
JUVEDERM Volbella:
Non vip member $1299.00
VIP MEMBER $799.00
Non vip member $1299.00
VIP MEMBER $799.00

FDA-approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds. Due to its chemical formulation, our fillers are able to integrate into the dermal skin layer in an undetectable manner.
Formulated for versatility in contouring and correcting facial lines and folds, this smooth-consistency injectable gel produces a smooth, natural look and feel that is sustained for up to a year.
Over time, due to aging, wrinkles develop on your face, and nasolabial folds may become more visible. JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is designed to temporarily add volume to the facial wrinkles for a smoother appearance to the face. The lidocaine in the gel improves the comfort of the injection by reducing sensitivity to pain.
The first cosmetic dermal filler made of non-animal based hyaluronic acid, which exists naturally in the human body. This enhancement restores volume and fullness for six months or longer and does not require allergy testing. The Restylane® line smooths away facial wrinkles and folds (Restylane, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne,) provides subtle lip enhancement (Restylane); adds lift and volume to the cheeks (Restylane Lyft) and helps reverse the signs of volume loss in the back of the hands (Restylane Lyft).
These dermal fillers are used for smoothing moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (the creases that extend from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth). RADIESSE® is also used for correcting volume loss in the back of the hands.
Our fillers are FDA-approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds. Due to its chemical formulation, our fillers can integrate into the dermal skin layer in an undetectable manner. Smooth and natural looking results are achieved and will last between 6-12 months.
Post Operative Dermal Filler Instructions
Before the Procedure
- Avoid taking Anti-Inflammatories (ex. Advil, Excedrin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aspirin) for 1 week prior to procedure.
- Avoid supplements containing any of the following ingredients: Bilberry, Cayenne, Dong Quai, Echinacea, Feverfew, Fish Oil, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Hawthorne, Kava Kava, Licorice Root, Ma Huang (ephedra), Melatonin, Red Clover, St. John’s Wort, Valerian Root, Vitamin E, and Yohimbe for 2 weeks prior to procedure.
- You will also want to avoid some prescription medications, if possible, for one week prior to your injection such as Plavix and cholesterol-reducing medications.
- Please consult your prescribing physician before discontinuing any prescription drug as we are not authorizing that you do this. Injections can still be performed if you do not discontinue these medications, but be aware there is a much higher chance of bruising.
- Avoid Smoking for 2 weeks prior to procedure, if possible. If you do smoke, please be aware the chance of bruising is greatly increased and healing time lengthens. You may continue until the bruising and swelling has subsided (usually 7-14 days).
JUVÉDERM® Collection of Fillers Important Information
JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC is indicated for deep (subcutaneous and/or supraperiosteal) injection for cheek augmentation to correct age-related volume deficit in the mid-face and for augmentation of the chin region to improve the chin profile in adults over the age of 21.
JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE® XC injectable gel is indicated for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis for correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds) in adults over the age of 21.
JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC and JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC injectable gels are indicated for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis for correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds).
JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC injectable gel is indicated for injection into the lips for lip augmentation and for correction of perioral rhytids in adults over the age of 21.
JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC injectable gel is indicated for injection into the lips and perioral area for lip augmentation in adults over the age of 21.
These products should not be used in patients who have severe allergies, marked by a history of anaphylaxis or history or presence of multiple severe allergies, and should not be used in patients with a history of allergies to Gram-positive bacterial proteins or lidocaine contained in these products.
Do not inject into blood vessels. Introduction of these products into the vasculature may lead to embolization, occlusion of the vessels, ischemia, or infarction. Take extra care when injecting soft-tissue fillers; for example, inject the product slowly and apply the least amount of pressure necessary. Rare, but serious, adverse events associated with the intravascular injection of soft-tissue fillers in the face have been reported and include temporary or permanent vision impairment, blindness, cerebral ischemia or cerebral hemorrhage leading to stroke, skin necrosis, and damage to underlying facial structures. Immediately stop the injection if a patient exhibits any of the following symptoms: changes in vision, signs of a stroke, blanching of the skin, unusual pain during or shortly after the procedure. Patients should receive prompt medical attention and, possibly, evaluation by an appropriate healthcare professional specialist should an intravascular injection occur
Product use at specific sites in which an active inflammatory process (skin eruptions such as cysts, pimples, rashes, or hives) or infection is present should be deferred until the underlying process has been controlled
To minimize the risk of potential complications, these products should only be used by healthcare professionals who have appropriate training, experience, and knowledge of facial anatomy and product use in indicated areas
The potential risks of soft-tissue injections should be discussed with patients prior to treatment to ensure they are aware of signs and symptoms of complications
The safety and effectiveness for the treatment of anatomic regions other than the mid-face, chin, and prejowl sulcus regions with JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC; facial wrinkles and folds with JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE® XC, JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC, and JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC; and the lips and perioral area with JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC and JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC have not been established in controlled clinical studies
The safety for use of these products during pregnancy, in breastfeeding females, and in patients with known susceptibility to keloid formation, hypertrophic scarring, and pigmentation disorders has not been studied
The safety for use of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC has been established in patients between 35 and 65 years of age in cheek augmentation and for patients between 22 and 80 years of age for chin augmentation
The safety for use of JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC and JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC in patients under 18 years, and JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE® XC and JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC in patients under 22 years, has not been established
As with all transcutaneous procedures, dermal filler implantation carries a risk of infection
Use dermal fillers with caution in patients on immunosuppressive therapy
Patients who are using products that can prolong bleeding (such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and warfarin) may experience increased bruising or bleeding at treatment sites
Patients who experience skin injury near the site of implantation may be at a higher risk for adverse events
The safety for use of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC injectable gel in patients with very thin skin in the mid-face has not been established
The safety of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC with cannula for cheek augmentation has not been established in patients with Fitzpatrick Skin Types V and VI
JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC was not evaluated in subjects with significant skin laxity of the chin, neck, or jaw in the chin augmentation study
The effect of JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC injection into the chin on facial hair growth has not been studied
Patients may experience late onset nodules with use of dermal fillers including JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC
Patients may experience late onset adverse events with use of dermal fillers
The most commonly reported side effects for JUVÉDERM® injectable gels were redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps/bumps, bruising, discoloration, and itching. For JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC, dryness was also reported. The majority were mild or moderate in severity. For JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC, most resolved within 2 to 4 weeks. For JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE® XC, JUVÉDERM® Ultra Plus XC, or JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC, most resolved within 14 days; and for JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® XC, most resolved within 30 days.
To report an adverse reaction with any product in the JUVÉDERM® Collection, please call Allergan at 1-800-433-8871. Please visit for more information.
Products in the JUVÉDERM® Collection are available only by a licensed physician or properly licensed practitioner.
After the Procedure
- Some bruising and swelling is normal after dermal filler injections. There may even be some “lumpiness” at the injection sites. This usually resolves within 1 week.
- Avoid any type of facial massage for 48 hours after procedure.
- Avoid exercise which increases your heart rate for 24-48 hours after procedure (light stretching, walking, yoga, etc… is fine).
- Wash face gently following procedure and apply make-up normally.
- Try to sleep on your back, if possible for the two nights following your procedure.
- Please follow-up with our office as recommended at the time of your procedure.