Facial Treatments

The Facial Treatments we offer are from an extensive variety of the most advanced and proven skincare procedures.
It’s no secret that the skin revitalization market is growing every year. More people want skincare that will give them an appearance that matches the way they feel on the inside: young and full of possibilities. These people are turning to less invasive treatments, like laser treatments.
One of our Facial Treatments is Laser skin resurfacing removes damaged and flawed skin. It is particularly effective in reducing the appearance of acne scars.

From our line of Skincare, we also have High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) that uses time-tested ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin naturally—without surgery or downtime. It uses the power of ultrasound to transform the brow, chin, neck, and chest that have lost elasticity and firmness over time – this is one of the most in-demand services in our available Facial Treatments.

As part of our Facial Treatments, we also have CANDELA Photofacial because Pigmentation affects so many people. Although, some types of pigmented lesions exist at birth, often times pigment represents one of the first signs of aging. That is why so many people are interested in removing pigment. In fact, this skincare market is about double the size of the market for the removal of tattoos.

1540 laser treatment2023-06-12T17:21:28+00:00
Bioremodelling Injectable Treatment2024-06-16T12:55:36+00:00
CO2 Laser Deeper Skin Resurfacing2024-01-11T17:43:18+00:00
Fillers (Juvederm)2024-08-03T12:59:56+00:00
Fractional Radio-Frequency2024-10-07T18:40:00+00:00
Injection Rhinoplasty2024-06-16T13:40:39+00:00
PDO Threadlift2023-05-31T21:31:36+00:00
Skin Tightening2024-04-29T20:09:10+00:00
The Purer Toxin2024-07-23T21:52:39+00:00